This juicy bit of goss comes straight from Galaxy, the scene of much madness and mirth in recent times. That's Salman Khan's home darlings, in case you still didn't know!
Well, it so happens that of all the paintings our gifted artist Sallubhai has created and preserved at home, a certain work is his all-time favourite. The painting, I am told, has got something to do with Aishwarya. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge and the lady in question is happily married to someone pretty famous. But Salman still holds this work of art close to his heart. So much so, that it bothers Katrina to no end, and in spite of her insisting that he get rid of it, Sallubhai, being 'all-heart', refuses to do so.
Tch Tch! I am told this painting is a major bone of contention between the two (methinks there are too many bones in their relationship these days) and any argument between the two inevitably leads up to the canvas....
The past is better left alone Sallubhai, especially when the present is as rosy a picture as Katrina!
by mtvindia.com
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